Going on vacation can be so much fun, but it is important to make
safe traveling a major priority. Listing travel safety tips in advance of making your vacation plans can help you keep that in mind when you are booking your getaway, as well as when you are actually on vacation.
One important travel safety tip is to make sure you never pack cash in your luggage, especially if your suitcases are being checked in at the airport. You never know whether a bag could get lost, picked up mistakenly by someone else, or even stolen on purpose. I would suggest not even keeping cash in your carry on bag or purse, but rather keeping your money in a money belt.
Wearing a money belt while you are on vacation is one of those safe traveling tips that can mean the difference between a care free holiday and a nerve wracking one. Travel safety involves keeping track of your cash at all times. Pickpockets and thieves target tourists, and many of these criminals are very effective at separating a tourist from his money. The best travel safety instruction is to not make yourself easy pickings for a robber. Wearing a money belt will keep your cash safe.
Another thing to think about in terms of travel safety is making sure that you have important phone numbers stored someplace other than your mobile phone. These days many of us are so used to having access to any phone number we need at our finger tips, that we forget about how disastrous it would be if the phone was stolen. Keeping a piece of paper in your luggage listing the phone numbers of family members, your hotel, your airline, your bank, and your credit card companies can be a life saver if your cell phone is lost or stolen.